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Majas Candlestick Guardian Angels Trio
Majas Candlestick Guardian Angels Trio
Majas Candlestick Guardian Angels Trio
Majas Candlestick Guardian Angels Trio
Majas Candlestick Guardian Angels Trio
Majas Candlestick Guardian Angels Trio
Majas Candlestick Guardian Angels Trio
Majas Candlestick Guardian Angels Trio
Majas Candlestick Guardian Angels Trio
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Majas Candlestick Guardian Angels Trio

Majas Candlestick Guardian Angels Trio. Candlestick in matt white ceramic with three angels holding hearts. Candle holder for crown candle. A lovely gift and a nice Christmas candlestick.

Wonderful Majas Lyktor Candle Holders are designed to make a difference in the fight against childhood cancer and to bring hope, joy and comfort. For every sold angel Majas Cottage donate 10% of the purchase price to Barncancerfonden.

Item no: 17680
Brand: Majas Cottage
Color: White
Material: Ceramic
Size: Height 10 cm, width 10 cm, depth 9 cm
Stock status: 
In stock (only 1 items in stock)


Majas Lykta Guardian Angels Trio
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