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Rotary Candle Holder Owl
Rotary Candle Holder Owl
Rotary Candle Holder Owl
Rotary Candle Holder Owl
Rotary Candle Holder Owl
Rotary Candle Holder Owl
Rotary Candle Holder Owl
Rotary Candle Holder Owl
Rotary Candle Holder Owl
Rotary Candle Holder Owl
Rotary Candle Holder Owl
Rotary Candle Holder Owl
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Rotary Candle Holder Owl

Rotary Candle Holder "Owl" in silver metal. Modern design with owls that spins around by the heat of a tealight. No sound!

Item no: 6480
Brand: Pluto Design
Color: Silver
Size: 16.5 x 6.5 cm
Stock status: 
In stock
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