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Figures for Song Bag 4
Figures for Song Bag 4
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Figures for Song Bag 4

Figures for Song Bag 4. Contains 6 fun extra figures for Oskar & Ellen's popular song bag. No 4 includes an elephant, a ladybug, a cucumber, a hare, a pony and a pillow. Each figure can be used as a finger figure and put on your finger.

The child stops the hand in the singer bag, takes up a figure and then tries to remember a song about the figure. Sing with your child! A fun song play with classical and well-known songs that stimulate the child's imagination and language development.

Song examples:
Elephant: En elefant balanserade…
Ladybug: En nyckelpiga jag har i handen…
Cucumber: Herr Gurka...
Hare: Hoppe hoppe hare…
Pony: Min kära lilla ponny...
Pillow: Här kommer lilla Ludde…

You can find the swedish lyrics here .

Washing instructions: Hand wash

Designed in Sweden. Made by hand in the Philippines.

Item no: 11408
Brand: Oskar & Ellen
Material: 35% Cotton / 65% Polyester
Age: From 18 months
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Sångpåse med figurer
Figurer till sångpåse 1
Figurer till sångpåse 2
Figurer till sångpåse 3
Figurer till sångpåse 5
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